Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Another super late book review I’m finally posting. I don’t remember why I never posted this in the first place, but whatevs… It’s here now! 😊

Original post from my IG @booksofthemuggleborn



This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do. This afternoon, her planet was invaded.

The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than a speck at the edge of the universe. Now with enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to evacuate with a hostile warship in hot pursuit.

But their problems are just getting started. A plague has broken out and is mutating with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI may actually be their enemy; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady hacks into a web of data to find the truth, it’s clear the only person who can help her is the ex-boyfriend she swore she’d never speak to again.

Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents—including emails, maps, files, IMs, medical reports, interviews, and more—Illuminae is the first book in a heart-stopping trilogy about lives interrupted, the price of truth, and the courage of everyday heroes.




This was my second sci-fi book ever read (The first was The Martian, which I loved!) So I seriously hoping it would be similar to that book in the sense that the “science-y” stuff is going to be easy to follow, that there was a bit of humor to break up all the technical aspect and based off of the synopsis a bit of romance.

Well… this book didn’t fail. I loveeeeed it! 🙌 I’ve been saying to just about anyone who would listen that if all science fiction books were as amazing as The Martian and Illuminae are then I could be reading a lot more from the genre! 😉


I think another thing that captured me with Illuminae is how quirky and different the book layout was. It wasn’t set out like your everyday typical book. Some of the pages were written to form images, some were written to make follow each line into a bigger picture. It’s hard to explain, all I can say is if you haven’t gotten a copy yet – do! Go to your local bookshop, look for it and just flip through it and you’ll see what I’m trying to say.

The book overall is set a journal/ records type format and put together into one big file, basically. So there’s emails between characters, logs recorded from certain days and interviews. It’s ridiculously jam-packed!

It’s very well created and it had me wanting to keep reading to find out what happened next. It was hard putting it down for the day.

I never saw full reviews on Illuminae prior to reading it so I wasn’t sure what people thought of it besides whether or not they liked it but I have to say halfway through the book I had a strong sense of Resident Evil-esque to the story line. Where the spaceship’s AI (aka AIDAN) is corrupted and pretty much turns evil and starts wanting to kill everyone on board but thinking he’s doing the right thing. Then you have half the crew and civilians on board infected with some kind of virus that’s also causing serious problems all over the ship. It’s one massive chaotic disaster that puts you on the edge of your seat.

“Am I not merciful?” — AIDAN

Reading about Kady and Ezra’s roller coaster relationship added a romantic touch to an otherwise sci-fi story line and it pretty revolves around them and wanting to keep each other safe. I loved reading their messages to one another. It’s probably the bits of the book I loved reading the most.

Besides the sci-fi aspect and the romance aspect – this book also provides us with comical relief in all the right places (usually involving Ezra because he’s a funny smartass). 😄

Downside to being introduced to super cool characters?


That was me the further I read. As much as I loved reading Kady and Ezra’s exchange of funny but sweet banter-filled emails, I knew it wouldn’t have lasted forever and I was right. Why do authors love making us fall for characters just to take them away from us?

Spoiler Alert: Ezra died! 🙈

Yep… and just like Kady, you don’t find out til it’s too late. Unless you’re one of the clever readers who analysed every detail of this book and probably saw signs early on.

*Side Note: Jay and Amie actually said that if you really pay attention to the details in the book, it gives off little clues on who certain characters are that are still unknown to us or hints of upcoming events.


Seriously, this book was one big fuuuuuuuck-with-your-mind type of story. It was so hard to put it down because I just didn’t know which direction the story is going.  I don’t know about other people who’ve read this but I didn’t see any of the plot twists happening. Not even a smidge! Maybe I need to reread it again and keep a lookout for those hints I mentioned earlier lol.

RATING: ♥♥♥♥½

Another highly recommended book. If you’re like me who usually only ever reads fantasy fiction, give this one a go. Trust me you won’t regret it and I guarantee you’ll love it enough to want to read Gemina (second book in the Illuminae series)!


Happy reading, friends! Hope you’re all doing well. Catch you in my next one! Xo


Stealing Cinderella by A. Zavarelli

Original post from my IG @booksofthemuggleborn



Every royal has their dirty little secret. His was… me.

It should have been simple.

Go to the ball, meet the prince, and secure his patronage for my favorite charity.

But beneath the mask, the brooding beast of a man was not at all who I expected.

He was dark and intense and eerily quiet.

When I left, I could still feel the ghost of his touch branded into my skin.

He haunted my dreams, but I never expected to see him again.

Then he came for me.

And he took me.

And I learned that his darkness was a void I never could have conceived.

He’s the crown prince of Norway.

And, now, I’m his captive.



I’m always up for a good fairy tale retelling (the darker the better) and this one did not disappoint! I love that Zavarelli used the Cinderella fairy tale to start her story off but you’ll come to find fairly early on that it turns into a completely new story on it’s own.


I was getting a mixture of Ever After and Cinderella (live action), and Cenerentola (Italian version of Cinderella) vibes in this one, which I was loving BTW.

⚠ But before I go any further, I can’t stress enough that this is a full-blown adult adaptation of Cinderella. Definitely not for any reader under 18+ years of age. There’s some serious subjects matters included in the plot that may trigger some readers — violence, physical and sexual abuse, suicide and drugs. This book also contains minor BDSM.

I tend to steer clear of books that contain any sort of BDSM (just not my type of reads) but if you’re familiar with Zavarelli then you know she already has a couple of books with very minor amounts of it. So, in my case I already had a sense of what to expect when scenarios started going towards that direction. Zavarelli’s is minimal, it doesn’t cross the line to the heavy, bold, detailed BDSM like some other books.

So, if you’re a similar reader to me in regards to this type of content, then I’d like to assure you it doesn’t take anything away from the characters or the storyline. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s minor and it’s only one element of the story, not the centre of it 🙂

Now–regarding the storyline.. I thought it flowed really well. Zavarelli did a fantastic job of setting the scene and atmosphere of the book. I was already on the edge of my seat from the second Ella and Thorsen first set eyes on each other due to the fact the she’s already given us a good idea of what the leads’ personalities and attitudes are like from the start.

“There was something different about her, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. She smelled like sunshine and wildflowers. Freedom.”


“When I looked into her eyes, I found myself getting lost there.”

There’s a case of mistaken identity and a smidge of hate to love romance in this one (which I always thought was one of the more juicier romance tropes) 😉 Cinderella is my favourite fairy tale ever since I was little. Now as an adult, fairy tales are still something I love to read (and watch), only difference is that the grittier versions are now my preference. This one ticked a lot of the boxes!

Ella and Thorsen are opposites who find common ground the further their relationship develops. Thorsen was already intrigued by her and despite his rude first impression towards Ella, she can’t deny her attraction to him either.

Stealing Cinderella is definitely one unique story. You still get the evil stepmother and sisters (oh boy, do you ever), the Prince (although you’ll never confuse this one with the Disney version), and that big, momentous ball scene! 👠


But don’t get too comfortable because once midnight hits, this Cinderella takes on an unexpected turn you won’t see coming at all. There’s secrecy, betrayal, a lot of shocking moments and all-around heartbreak. I couldn’t stop the tears with this one. But then again should I even be surprised by that outcome when it comes to Zavarelli’s books? Uhhhhh no.

You’ll see some new secondary characters in this one that I think was a refreshing addition, taking this fairy tale to another level. The Prince here is not your typical charming royalty. You may even hate the jerk before you love him. He’s broken, and it shows! This rendition equally tells of the Prince’s story as much as Cinderella (or in this case, Ella’s) — with alternating POVs.

If I had to make a critique, I would’ve liked more details for certain things mentioned or discussed in the book. It didn’t delve deep enough, so any attempt at connecting with those scenes lacked a little for my liking. But overall, still a well-thoughtout story.

As warned at the beginning, this book delves into certain sensitive subjects that may trigger some readers. As the characters stories start unraveling bit by bit, you start to piece together their secrets.. not going to lie–it’s a difficult pill to swallow. But once you wrap you head around it, you cannot not know what happens next. It’s haunting, disturbing… and yes, sickening but it makes this story so much more than a simple fairy tale romance. The characters are well-developed, showing you how they’ve come to be the way they are now in this present time.

There’s a nice balance of light and dark within the storyline, which in my opinion is what makes Stealing Cinderella heart-breaking. There’s so much viciousness in it that when you get a little bit of goodness come through in some parts, you can’t help but release a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding onto.

“… You have to promise me that you’ll keep fighting. Even on your darkest days. Promise me…”           


Putting the romance aside, this book also focuses a lot on family, the different dynamics, and the effects of how you treat others. The secondary characters really do play a big role in both Ella and Thorsen’s lives. You’ll see they hold a lot of power and influence. It shows how much a good support system can help one overcome a lot of hard and difficulties times.

Despite the darkness, Stealing Cinderella is also full of love, hope and healing.

And finally– set in modern day Europe, the backdrop will have you in wanderlust! 😍 I completely recommend this read! If enjoy dark romance, this is for you. If you enjoy fairy tale retellings, this is for you. It’s a standalone and includes a HEA!

RATING: ♥♥♥♥/5

Thank you to A. Zavarelli, Candi Kane PR and Enticing Journey Book Promotions for the opportunity to read an advanced copy!


Hope you guys are all well. Happy reading! Catch you in my next one! Xo


Doctor Dearest by R.S. Grey





Dr. Easton is part man, part myth.
He’s a formidable surgeon. Highly respected in his field.
He also happens to be an ex-collegiate quarterback with a classically handsome face.
Are you catching on yet?
He’s horrible.
A walking Ralph Lauren ad.
He’s also so off limits he should come with a warning label: This way lies heartache.

Not only is he an attending at the hospital where I’m training, he’s also my brother’s best friend. If you’ve lost count, that’s two reasons why I plan on putting this ridiculous crush behind me. Besides, it’s definitely not mutual.

Dr. Easton has never once paid me special attention. No tempting smirks. Not even one subtle innuendo. To him, I’m just another resident—all but invisible.


For the last five years, I’ve mentored Natalie in the OR, stayed in line, and kept my hands to myself, but it’s been agonizing.

Natalie is trouble in scrubs. A walking temptation I’ve been forced to ignore.

For so long, I’ve wanted her in silence. By the time fate finally gets around to throwing me a bone, my patience has run out.

Natalie’s brother is leaving town, and he wants me to watch over her while he’s gone.

He has no idea how I feel about her.
Neither does she.
But she will.

Haven’t you heard good things come to those who wait, Natalie?
Well… I’ve done my waiting.




Okay… *pheeew* Just survived another R.S Grey book without too much withdrawals! 😛

If you’re familiar with her books, then you know what to expect—

  • Fast-paced storylines.
  • Overly detailed, yet funny descriptions of the lead swoony character.
  • Banter. Lots of banter!
  • Characters pouring out random, crazy thoughts like word vomit.
  • A few embarrassing hide-under-a-rock type moments.
  • Supporting characters that add an another element to the plot.

Doctor Dearest is no different. This is another, fun, enjoyable, sit-back-and-get-comfy type of read that I flew through at rapid speed. Despite thinking I knew what to expect from another Grey book, I was surprised to see that this story took a turn from secret crush and into a rollercoaster ride of love, hate, love again, nope hate, uhhh no… love again scenario.


Normally I would eat up the hate-to-love trope in my romance books (it’s actually one of my faves) but this one had one too many loop-de-loops for my liking. But I think that’s more to do with Natalie. She’s an indecisive little thing. Lol. But looking back at it now that I’ve had time to let the entire story sink in, I can actually get on board with why she’s that way throughout the book. It’s easy to criticize, question or judge someone’s actions when you’re only a spectator but honestly if I was in Natalie’s position I probably would’ve been just as confused, scared shitless and hesitant of going all in, and so quickly too. So, I’m giving Natalie a reprieve over her flip-flopping ways.

Connor on the other hand was someone I could easily add to my book boyfriend list.. *cough* along with all the other gorgeous, swoony men Grey has conjured up in her books *cough* 😉 😉

Is he perfect? No. Like Natalie, he didn’t always have the best reactions to circumstances. But in saying that, he was sweet, didn’t mess around and all in all a very well rounded, damn good guy! He’s someone you would want to be besties with (that’s if.. if you weren’t attracted to the guy). Because not only is he smart, caring, has a good sense of humor and easy-going— he’s also the type of guy you would be saying ” Oh, his mama raised him right!” about. The man’s a package. Good looks, brains and manners!

GeneralHospital_Doctor He was definitely the more mature one in this relationship. And I’m damn glad he had more sense than Natalie, or else their relationship would’ve ended long before it even got to the juicy bits.

I tell ya though, she has some of the best people doting on her. Besides the protagonists in R.S. Grey’s books, I always look forward to the side characters. They always put the extra oomph in these rom-coms. And Doctor Dearest has some awesome ones included! 😀

Noah; Natalie’s brother (and Connor’s best friend), is one I absolutely would love a book centred on. He’s the cool, bigger brother who loves and protects, but who can also tease and be playful. And based on how Natalie mentions how girls drool over him, I’m thinking he’s not a bad looker either. I’m putting it out there — book gods.. could we get a book on Noah?! Pretty please??

And then you have Natalie’s best friend Lindsey. She’s a hoot. You would never be bored or feel lonely with a friend like her. I love the fact that she was a great sounding board for Natalie. She needed someone who she could vent and cry to and genuinely have support in return. I’ve read one too many amazing romance books but I found a lot of them have annoying friends (ones who are too loud, too out there, too in your face) and who takes a lot of the focus and attention away that it makes you wanna roll your eyes and say, “Oh, shut the eff up. You’re ruining a potentially great story here!”

Lindsey is the complete opposite. I wanted more of her. Book gods? A book with Lyndsey as well, if that’s not too much to ask for? Sigh.

There’s really not much else I can say without word vomiting spoilers. If you love romantic comedies, then this is definitely not one to miss. R.S Grey has perfected these types of romances and honestly, they read like I’m watching one of my all time fave rom-com movies. The blurb is pretty much self-explanatory of how Natalie and Connor start off. It’s all a matter or just seeing how it all develops — like all good, swoony, lighthearted romances go.

Were there parts I found predictable? I admit, yes. But it didn’t bum me out knowing that’s where it was heading. I was actually curious to see how it would be handled.

But were there things I wasn’t expecting? Hmm. Yes and no. There’s one particular thing I was hoping would happen… and when it sort of brushed against the idea I was over-the-moon giddy about the prospect of it. Buuuuuut…. it unfortunately didn’t go any further than I would’ve liked, so my giddiness was short lived.

How did I find the overall backdrop? Natalie and Connor are both doctors working in the burns unit. There’s plenty of terminology, examination scenes, and steps explained on taking care for these victims that made it all the more intriguing and put depth in what would have been an overall fluffy love story. Regardless of this being fictional (and a romance book), the amount of research Grey put into making sure the setting felt authentic, and that Natalie, Connor and all the doctors in this book looked the part and knew the lingo was pretty impressive, in my opinion. I don’t know how accurate all the technical medical mumbo-jumbo was, but to me it sounded pretty on point!

Overall — I loved reading it. It’s great escapism from the hustle and bustle of everyday adulting. I seriously think I was smiling the entire time. Who wouldn’t enjoy a nice feel-good read, am I right?! After reading this, along with the half dozen of Grey’s books I already crossed off my TBR, I realise they always leave me feeling like I stumbled upon another modern day fairy tale— light, airy and one hell of a love affair.


RATING: ♥♥♥♥/5 

Thank you to R.S Grey and InkSlingerPR for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!


Doctor Dearest is NOW AVAILABLE!

Grab your copy: Amazon



Author_R.S. Grey

About the Author

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels. She lives in Texas with her husband and daughter, and can be found reading, binge-watching reality TV, or practicing yoga!

Follow R.S. Grey on her Social Media

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Hoped you enjoyed this one. If you wanna read more reviews on the other R.S Grey’s books I’ve read and blogged about, then check these ones below! 🙂

Happy reading! Enjoy your day, and catch you in my next one! Xo


Scribbler Of Dreams by Mary E. Pearson




Romeo and Juliet had the right idea. About dating the enemy that is. They were true to their hearts.

Kaitlin Malone know what it’s like to date the enemy. She was raised to hate the Crutchfields, and absolutely does – until she meets Bram Crutchfield. It turns out he’s a great guy – one she could talk to, share things with…even love. But when Kaitlin gives her heart to Bram, her world spins out of control. Soon the Crutchfields are her friends and she’s a traitor to her own family.

To make things worse ,Bram was raised to hate the Malones, especially Kaitlin’s father – who murdered Bram’s dad. Bram doesn’t know Kaitlin is a Malone. If he did he would hate her, too.

What’s a star-crossed lover to do?



I read Scribbler of Dreams around this time last year! I know, I know.. this review is long overdue! Good thing it’s a quick read, I was able to reread it again before writing this blog post. 😛

Scribbler of Dreams CoverThis book is inspired by Romeo and Juliet. The whole family vs family deal definitely plays a big backdrop to the story between “star-crossed” lovers Kaitlin and Bram.

Just like Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, I found their families to be selfish, annoying jerks who have the saddest reasons as to why they hate one another. I lost count of how many times I either rolled my eyes, sighed or just wanted to speed read to the parts that involved only Kaitlin and Bram. Hehehe.

I don’t know how I feel about Kaitlin discovering who Bram’s family was from early on and keeping it to herself. But then again we’re talking about young love here, and she is a teenage girl who’s dealing with her first love and not wanting to lose it… so… meh. I’ll let this one slide. But the minute I got to the part where she finds out and decides to keep it to herself –  I knew. I knew there’d be trouble up ahead.

I will also say this — I wasn’t expecting the little twist in the end with Kaitlin’s family history though and I did kind of wish that there was more development or… a better lead up to it..? because the minute the “secret” was out that was it. Like literally! I was left thinking “that’s it?!” It was a little underwhelming and the next thing you know Kaitlin and Bram’s story was wrapping up.


Remember – This is just my opinion. Maybe it’s because I love Mary’s writing that I may have expected a little more with the story development. I did feel the ending was a little too abrupt. But hey, at least it did have a definitive ending. No loose strings or questions asked (which I like and thankful for!) I would’ve just wanted.. oh I dunno a page or two more of Kaitlin and Bram. A page of them working it out and living happily ever after is nowhere near enough. 😉

But like I said earlier, I found this to be a is a nice standalone read that I recommend for anyone who’s short for time, a fan of quick reads, suffering from a reading slump and is not ready to commit to a book series yet, or just a good old fashion fan of contemporary romance. 😄

Oh, and it’s also considered YA fiction but I think this book is young reader (pre-teens) friendly. It’s definitely young love!

This is one of Mary E. Pearson’s earlier works and although I prefer her more recent fantasy fiction books, I still love her style of writing. It’s simple, easy to follow and the story just flows. Whether you’re a fan of Contemporary or YA Fantasy — I strongly recommend you check out Mary’s books (more specifically The Remnant Chronicles)!

RATING: ♥♥♥½


📚 Read my reviews for Mary E. Pearson’s The Remnant Chronicles!

Book One: The Kiss Of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

Book Two: The Heart Of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson

Book Three (Coming Soon)


Happy reading, guys! Catch you in my next one! Xo


Wildfire by C.L. Aire




In the void between the worlds something is shifting. The balance between the Elements is slipping and the darkness is growing.

A girls nightmare speaks of things yet to come, a battle against beings filled with shadows. A young man watches death approach, cold as the blade it rides. A rose blooms in the pale moonlight, a gentle breeze stirs in the stillness and yellow eyes watch over the city.
And destiny has linked them all…
The earth will dress in blood and pain
And seas will scream beneath the rain
The tortured air will twist and turn
And in the fire, darkness burns




Read at own risk!





I think it’s obvious from my previous book reviews that 99% of the books I read are from the Fantasy fiction genre. So when Claire asked if I would be interested in reading her book, I didn’t hesitate in saying yes!

I will be honest in saying when I checked the synopsis of her book on Goodreads, I found it to be a little vague. I knew the protagonist was a young female who sees visions in her dreams of what will happen in the future, and one in particular of Immortals is what sets this story. But other than that I didn’t know what to expect.

So it was all the more curious in reading this book.

I’ll admit it was a slow start for me. It took a little while to get into the story but once Cassie, Kieran and Gemma reached Harbour town I was right there with them.

I’m a big fan of fantasy books where the characters journey to other lands, so I was naturally hooked on the whole “travelling” aspect of Cassie’s story. I would have loved if a map was included in this book just because the places Cassie and her friends travel to seem so different from one another it would have been nice to see a physical image of the different towns they encounter and how much they would have travelled from Ar-ken.

Quick Update: The author has recently shared news that a world map of Tarraneia has been created. No word yet if it will be included in future copies of Wildfire but in the meantime please check it out on her Instagram here: Map of Tarraneia

Getting back to my review. I’m going to be a bit nitpicky and let you guys know my pros and cons of the characters and certain parts of the book:

wildfireCassie is the main protagonist in this story and it was her dreams that led her and her friends to travel on this journey but I felt the first quarter of the book the lead was Gemma. I almost felt like this was Gemma’s story and her journey to stop the Immortals. I was very fascinated with her and her family’s culture/ lifestyle. They understood the world differently it almost seemed like there was something there that could be key in helping stop the destruction. I wouldn’t have minded if Gemma was the main protagonist just because I felt there was so much more to her, her brother and the mystery behind the Weeran people that I would have wanted to read more about.

Gemma might be my favourite from the three friends. She knows who she is and what she’s capable of. In my opinion the wisest of the friends.

Kieran on the other hand is the skeptic from the three. He doesn’t have dreams like Cassie and he’s not like Gemma who’s in touch with the lands so I felt like he was the most normal? and relatable character just because he was your everyday type of person.


I can’t say I like Cassie all that much for most of the book. She doesn’t seem to be good friend and her decision-making sucks! I think a lot of things that happened throughout their journey could have been avoided if she was more willing to speak up with her friends.I was frustrated with her a lot of the time and couldn’t help but roll my eyes. All I can say is she’s damn lucky there’s so many people willing to help her. 😛

Cassie in my opinion is the one who’s the most unsure of herself and what she could be capable of. Which is not a bad thing. The way things were developing in the book and especially how things ended, Cassie’s character development is sure to grow and I for one can’t wait to see her at her full potential.

When it comes to the storyline. I wished I could have seen a deeper connection between Cassie, Kieran and Gemma. They’re suppose to be the closest of friends but it didn’t come across that way. I saw a deeper friendship between Cassie, Anna and Jhi to be honest. I almost didn’t believe that they grew up together. But maybe all in due time we’ll see their closeness..?

I also thought certain scenes seem to end abruptly where I think it could’ve been delved into in more detail. I felt like I couldn’t even grasp what had happened and the next thing you know something new has transpired. The transition from one scene to the next could have been smoother.

Ok. Let’s get onto my favourite parts of the book. 😄

The part where they meet Ardian. He was the first character I instantly liked. I don’t know what it is about sweet-pie men captaining a ship *cough cough* (Hook from Once Upon A Time or Carswell Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles) but they always get me. 😉 His budding romance with Gemma was adorable but short-lived. I wanted more!! I really wished it lasted a little longer. It also had me thinking is this all we’ll see of Ardian? I’m hoping not.

Cassie falling in the hands of Jhi and Anna was a breath of fresh air. I love Anna and Jhi! They added an oomph to the storyline and introducing the “Mouse Hole” and “The Rat” gave the storyline another level of excitement for me. The side story of Anna and Jhi’s relationship was a treat to read. I’m a sucker for a bit (or a lot) of romance in my fantasy books so this definitely curbed my craving.

But besides romance, I love a good book that can totally take me by surprise and does Wildfire do that?

Yes. Yes it did.

I did not see it coming what happened with two certain characters in the end (*hint hint* Kieran and Jhi). The ending leaves us just when the real story begins so I’m really curious to know what will happen next, especially with Jhi. Who knew he would have some sort of power in him? I was shocked when he got stabbed in the neck I really thought he was another beloved character I was disappointed to see go. (But seriously! That neck stab was the last thing I was picturing would happen to him!)

Keiran coming back from the dead was another thing I didn’t see coming. But thinking about it now I probably should have, considering Cassie is a bit stubborn and of course she wasn’t going to lose another friend.

All in all I really liked the story. It was an easy read with short chapters (which is always a plus in my books). There’s so much potential in it to becoming an unbelievable fantasy fiction series. It has magic, it has action, friendship and a touch of romance mixed in. Everything I think makes for an awesome YA fantasy fiction book! I can’t wait for the next installment.

RATING: ♥♥♥½

Thank you to C.L. Aire for the opportunity to read an advanced copy!


Happy reading and catch you in my next one! Xo


Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo




Welcome to the world of the Grisha.

Kaz Brekker and his crew of deadly outcasts have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn’t think they’d survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they’re right back to fighting for their lives.

Double-crossed and badly weakened, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz’s cunning and test the team’s fragile loyalties.

A war will be waged on the city’s dark and twisting streets – a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of the Grisha world.



I loved Six of Crows so the minute I finished it I went straight into Crooked Kingdom (which I highly recommend you do so you don’t torture yourself with a cliffhanger).

After Kaz and the crew survived the job at the Ice Court I was relieved! Everyone was alive and together and I was just one happy chappy.. but to find out the job was a scam?!?Ohh I knew Kaz would destroy Van Eck and anyone who was working with and I knew whatever his plan was it was going to be epic!


And I was right! Just like Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom did not disappointed in the twists and turns and the unexpected.

If I thought I was on the edge of my seat reading Six of Crows, let’s just say I wasn’t even sitting down anymore for Crooked Kingdom. I was in panic-mode, anxious with sweaty palms reading this book. I was preparing myself for the worst. You guys know what. Death of a beloved character! Yup. It could happen at anytime and it certainly did here. I’m sad to say that I knew they wouldn’t all make it out alive but for one of them to die so suddenly by someone who wasn’t even one of the original bad guys in the book!?




I cried. No wait. I bawled my eyes out when Matthias was shot and he struggles himself back to Nina just so he could see her one last time! Like what?!?!? Why !?!?! 😭😭😭

Why would Leigh Bardugo kill off a character in the way? Why would she kill her readers along with him!? My heart sank. For Mathias and especially for Nina. I felt like I was there with her. Crying and begging for Mathias to stay alive.

What made me cry even more was when she accidently brought him back with her power except it wasn’t really him anymore it was more like his body being commanded by her. It was just one HUGE sad part of the book! 💔

Sure, it was almost the end but still..

And speaking of the end of the book. It’s been 4 days since I finished it and I’m still reeling from the lack of ending. In my opinion anyways. I felt it was unfinished. So many things lingered and left open.

  1. Kaz and Inej were together – but not really. It wasn’t the result I was hoping for. It almost felt like the beginning of something between them rather than the big “fireworks” kiss that we’ve all been waiting for that should have after having gone through all of the things they went through. I don’t know. I just wished for more.
  2. Nina’s exit out of the storyline felt cut off. Yeah her plans were to go back to Fjerda to bury Matias and try and help as much Fjerdan soldiers as she could but I figured at the very end we would at least hear from her. See if she made it. Something? Anything? But there wasn’t, so I felt like if Leigh wanted to she could keep going and write another book in the fabulous story. (Here’s to wishing again!)
  3. Jesper: promising his father he would return to the farm once Wylan was settled back at his old home. But then they seem to be together too so how would that work? Was he just planning on visiting his dad or actually moving back? Because the way he said it to his dad it could be interpreted differently by each reader.
  4. Another thing with Kaz and Inej. Kaz has plans to rule Ketterdam, starting with The Barrel. Inej has big plans to command her own ship and crew and free slaves but yet she asked Kaz to help her. Once again, how will that work? Will he stay at Ketterdam whilst she sails around and they’ll just write to each other? And then there’s the question of her parents. Kaz (that sweety!) had gotten Nikolai (that’s right, he made an appearance!) to help find her parents. Will Inej go back with them first?
  5. The book ends with Pekka Rollins as the final chapter and point of view. This was the guy that Kaz wanted to destroy. I suppose when you look at it from a different perspective Kaz did finally destroy his life but the things he did to Kaz – that made him the way he is now you would think he would just kill Pekka in the end but he didn’t. It just makes you think, you know? Could Pekka return? Eventually?

There’s just so many unanswered questions and things left open. I want to know! It felt like an open ending which is worse than a cliffhanger because at least with cliffhangers there’s another book to read. Crooked Kingdom, as far as I know is IT! The book that was suppose to wrap the story up but I have more questions now than when the story initially began. Frustrating stuff right here! Haha. Or maybe I’m just overthinking everything. But these are questions that popped into my head the second I read the last page!

I love the bits of romance here and there whether between Nina and Mathias, Jesper and Wylan and yes of course between Kaz and Inej. I took whatever I could from those two but I was hungry for more. Lol!

There was the perfect amount of emotional heartfelt scenes, flashbacks and action that I was always hooked.

RATING: ♥♥♥♥½

This was such an easy read. Beautifully written story that draws you in instantly from start to finish. I’m still surprised how much I ended up loving these books considering The Grisha Trilogy was just average for me. If you haven’t fallen in love with each of the characters yet during Six of Crows then you would definitely be changing your mind after reading more about them in this one.


I wish I could give this one full rating like Six of Crows then it would really be a fist-pumping series. But all the questions rattling around in my head really took points of my rating. But I still think this is an unbelievable book. The entire duology has become one of my all time faves now. It’s caused me to have book hangover (not as massive as Maas’ books) but nevertheless I’m having withdrawals.

No Mourners. No Funerals.


Happy reading, guys! Catch you in my next one! Xo


The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo




• Shadow and Bone •

Surrounded by enemies, the once-great nation of Ravka has been torn in two by the Shadow Fold, a swath of near impenetrable darkness crawling with monsters who feast on human flesh. Now its fate may rest on the shoulders of one lonely refugee.

Alina Starkov has never been good at anything. But when her regiment is attacked on the Fold and her best friend is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power that saves his life—a power that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free. Wrenched from everything she knows, Alina is whisked away to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling.

Yet nothing in this lavish world is what it seems. With darkness looming and an entire kingdom depending on her untamed power, Alina will have to confront the secrets of the Grisha . . . and the secrets of her heart.

• Siege and Storm •

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land, all while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. But she can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her—or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.

• Ruin and Rising •

The capital has fallen.

The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.

Now the nation’s fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.

Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.

Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova’s amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling’s secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for.



I thought I would review all three books in the series into one review. I read them a few months back but with life getting in the way this review is tad late but better late than never! This is going to be a an extra long one so I applaud you if you get through to the end 😀

Shadow and Bone (Book One): 

shadow_and_boneI had high hopes for this series and could not wait to get started. Everyone was raving on about The Darkling and to be honest it was the main reason as to why I wanted to read it. I was hooked from the first chapter. I found myself not wanting to put the book down. I instantly fell in love with Mal but I was still very much curious about The Darkling and why he was everyone’s “favourite villain”.

Let’s just say when he finally came onto the scene I could see what people saw in him. He was the strong, powerful, dark, mysterious character. But there wasn’t enough there for me to say “yeah I love the guy”, you know? He seem like a misunderstood character at the beginning until he finally showed his colours and by then I was yelling at my book thinking “people like this guy??”. I thought he was villain. A typical, evil, cruel villain. Plain and simple. If anything I wanted him destroyed. I wanted Alina to wake up and smell the coffee. I wanted Mal to finish him off. But considering this was the first book in the trilogy, I knew that wouldn’t be the case (a girl could dream, right? hehe)

I found this book to be any easy read. It was probably the book I finished the fastest from all three just because I was already loving the fictional world and of course Mal 😉 But I have to say the halfway through the book it took a turn for me. It went from a really addictive read that I couldn’t put down to a slower pace during the second half. I also started finding Alina to be a little annoying just because she was indecisive until it was too late. There was just so much frustration reading this on and I disappointed at how quickly I went from loving this book to just liking it.

RATING: ♥♥♥½


Siege and Storm (Book Two): 

siege_and_stormAlthough this book introduces Nikolai who’s become one of my favourite characters, he wasn’t enough for me to give it a full rating. From all three books this one took the longest for me to finish just because I felt it dragged on. The pace was really slow and I have to admit the entire book was one big “plan” to go into war with the Darkling. I needed more action in the storyline. There was a lot of planning and taking the steps to make sure they were prepared (which they still weren’t) but there was no real battle. I was actually expecting this to be the book that had the big major war (or at least the beginning of it) but there was nothing like that. It was every underwhelming. 😞

I will say that the introduction of Nikolai in this book saved it for me. He was the sexy, flirty, funny privateer (almost like Captain Jack Sparrow or Carswell Thorne from the Lunar Chronicles) know the type. The little triangle between Alina, Mal and himself had me smirking all throughout. I wish I could explain in words why I found the storyline lacklustre. It just wasn’t what I was expecting. Usually people say the second book almost always tops the first but in this case (in opinion), Shadow and Bone was a lot more appealing.



Ruin and Rising (Book Three): 


The 3rd and final book in the series. I had high hopes this book would turns things around and finish with a bang!

So, did it?



I figured the big battle between Alina and The Darkling that I thought would come in Siege and Storm would of course be in this book but I guess I blinked and missed it because one minute I was reading beasts flying around attacking people and darkness everywhere then the next The Darkling was stabbed and Alina holding onto him and comforting him in a way. It was all anti-climatic for me. It was one giant sigh but the end of that scene. I was seriously questioning if that was it?? By the end of it I realized this entire series was all about the Grisha themselves and what they could do and what they were capable of doing with their powers if there were no rules – not necessarily about The Darkling or Alina being their savior. This was just a starting off point for this world.

For those who don’t know Leigh Bardugo wrote Six of Crows which takes place in the same fictional world and I can’t help but think this trilogy has almost become a prequel? or a backstory of the world. It gives the readers an insight to it and to the people that live there. Well, that’s how I am seeing it now that I’ve read Six of Crows too.

It’s nice that the trilogy did finish off the story completely by telling us what happened to Alina and Mal and to Nikolai and what was left of the Grisha army. I love that it was all wrapped up and no questions needed to be answered. I don’t necessarily like the fact that Mal and Alina moved away from it all and decided to live a quiet life. It literally sounds nice after what they’ve gone through to finally be together but I just couldn’t picture them (especially) Alina walking away when she could’ve helped rebuild Ravka.

But hey… I’m just happy Mal lived on. Hehe.

RATING: ♥♥♥½


It’s a nice series overall. I would still recommend it to YA fantasy fiction fans. I know a ton of readers who loved this series so it’s really all about preference. You’ll never know if you don’t give it a read 😊 I do love the world. It’s definitely different from any other fantasy fictional worlds I’ve read about.




Happy reading, guys! Catch you in my next one! Xo


Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas




Hell has literally broken loose. Demonic beings are everywhere and the only way to put a stop to these things forming into an unstoppable army is for Aelin to pull together her strength and finish the mission she started long ago. There will be unexpecting and old allies alike that will be called upon to fight but the question is who will answer, who will fight, who will survive and who will be sacrificed in order to keep Erilea from breaking apart?  This is the 5th book in the Throne of Glass series.





Guys, I’m putting a cautionary warning now incase I do somehow add spoilers in without thinking. So if you haven’t read this book, don’t read on. I don’t want to be the person who spoils a book that may possibly be just as amazing for you as it was for me!

THIS BOOK TOPS ALL THE BOOKS IN THE SERIES! I don’t know why I love this one the most, I just do! Maybe because all the characters I’ve been loving from Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows have bigger roles in this one. Or maybe all that I was hoping for from the last book came true in this one. It’s just beyond amazing. Well worth the anxiety!


Bare with me I have tons to say. I don’t even know if you would consider this as a review anymore but more of a rant/ questioning/ fangirling blog post. But I just need to let it out!

But before I try and put my thoughts into words for you guys in this review, let’s take a minute to appreciate another beautiful cover. I can’t say it’s my favourite cover but I can’t deny it’s still eye candy and if I knew nothing about this book, I would still buy it just for the cover! 😉

Okay, let’s start with any negatives..? Hmm.. maybe the fact that the pages are super thin. I get that the book is over 600+ pages and having thinner pages means the book won’t be as thick but c’mon I was practically able to see the ink from the other side. I have the paperback edition as well and I can say it’s the same thing. Just a tip, flip the pages slowly and carefully!

I also wasn’t a huge fan of Aelin in this book *ducks and hides* 🙈 I mean I’m used to her bitchy, I’m-so-good-I-can-kick-ass attitude from the previous books but there were times where I was like dude, c’mon on you don’t have to be that high and mighty and oh look at that.. it backfires anyways. I’m just relieved it was only in some scenes and it didn’t go on til the end of the book or else I wouldn’t have been able to give this one full ratings.

What else?

Um.. okay. As much as I didn’t like seeing where some characters were heading or what could very well happen to them, I can’t really say it was a complete negative either. It’s part of the story and as much as I don’t want to see any of my beautiful characters possibly dying, I still loved the storyline. I love the character developments. I love the relationships. I love everything!!

I might be in the minority here but whatevs. We can’t help who we like right? And I am liking…no wait… LOVING Lorcan! I knew he couldn’t possibly be that much of a bad guy from Heir of Fire/ Queen of Shadows. 😉 I love that there is so much possibilities with his character. He’s the character I’m most excited to read about in the next (and final) book. I need to know what happens with him and Elide too! Eeeeeek! I stopped breathing at how it ended with those two in this book. But I have a strong and nagging feeling he won’t live to the end of this series.

I also loved that Lorcan pushes Rowan and Aelin’s buttons so much and vice versa. I love that he has a history with Rowan that I think it helps readers see why he is the way he is. I love the Cadre – Gavriel and Fenrys. I would love to know more about them (hoping and wishing a possible Novella on Rowan and his cadre!?? Ugh!)

Okay… I think that’s enough Lorcan talk. It’s slowly becoming a Lorcan love-fest here. Hehehe #sorrynotsorry ❤❤


The development between Manon and Dorian I can’t say is exactly how I would’ve wanted it but hey.. baby steps! 😉 I’m also loving Manon a little more than Aelin in this one. She’s truly a Queen to me!

Aedion and Lysandra’s relationship in this book however was a rollercoaster ride. One minute it’s all fun and games, next you’re fearing for your life.. or should I say theirs? I can’t say I’m happy with what Lysandra has cooked up with Aelin that not only made Aedion sick to his stomach but shocked me as well! Like, are you kidding me girl?! I don’t even know how to process that fact the Aelin even thought of this scheme and that Lysandra agreed to it. Who cares if you’re her friend or you serve her. That is just messed up! Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this?! My heart goes out to both Aedion and Rowan. And I suppose even to Lysandra. There’s a particular harsh line the Aedion says to her that even I was stunned by (no matter how hurt he was by the plan).

I can’t say I was surprised by the little announcement made by Rowan in regards to Aelin *cough* his wife *cough* and I’m also not surprised by the discovery of them being “mates” either. But I’m glad Sarah J Maas added it in there anyways to really cement the bond that they already have and in a way show readers who Aelin is really meant to be with. 😊

Sigh. There’s a lot of relationships happening in this book and it just strengthens my fear that nothing good ever lasts. And I just know one or more of these couples will tear my heart out!

The storyline itself is clever and it flows. Some parts I saw coming and some took me by surprise. So this is definitely another book you won’t want to put down once you start reading it.

I was a little taken aback that Chaol wasn’t in it all! I was seriously thinking that he was going to pop up just when Aelin and her court needed saving or when I least expected it but nope, nada. A bit bummed by that. I felt this was such a perfect book but then Chaol was missing..

Another reason why I think this is my favourite book is because all the characters considering where they’re from, who they’re fighting for – all came together and formed this “Court”. This seriously ass-kicking Court (even if it was only temporary).

I just can’t say enough good things about Empire of Storms. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the wait for the next book. I laughed. I cried. I kid you not, I yelled at the book at times. I had to take breathers, walk it off, get a snack before I could even delve back into it again. Oh and did I mention I cried? It’s that freakin GOOD!!

RATING: ♥♥♥♥♥/5

AHHHHHHHHH!! This is one book you cannot miss out on reading. I can’t imagine how Sarah J Maas will top this one with the final book in the series but I know somehow she will. READ EMPIRE OF STORMS! You won’t regret it!! 😁😁😁


📚 Read my reviews for the series!

(In reading order)

Book One: Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Book Two: Crown Of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

Book Three: Heir Of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Novellas: The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Book Four: Queen Of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas


Happy reading! Catch you in my next one! Xo


Queen Of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas




Everyone Celaena Sardothien loves has been taken from her. But she’s at last returned to the empire—for vengeance, to rescue her once-glorious kingdom, and to confront the shadows of her past…

She has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But before she can reclaim her throne, she must fight.

She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die for her. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queen’s triumphant return.

The fourth volume in the New York Times bestselling series continues Celaena’s epic journey and builds to a passionate, agonizing crescendo that might just shatter her world.



I got to tell you guys Heir of Fire was my most favourite book so far in the series but after reading Queen of Shadows, I’d have to say they both equally top it now.


When all the characters finally come and meet each other for the first time in this book, you don’t know how it’s going to go down and you’re completely on the edge of your seat. It’s amazing! I have fallen in love with certain characters in this book whom I didn’t really connect with in Heir of Fire. One example is Manon Blackbeak. I wasn’t big on the story of the witch clans when they were introduced in that book. I thought they just got in the way of the storyline I really wanted to read about at the time (which was the Celaena/ Rowan/ Chaol situation lol) but my opinion did a complete turnaround on the witches in THIS book.

So if you were like me who wasn’t such a big fan, I advise to keep reading. It totally gets a lot better. Manon, her adorable wyvern Abraxos and her thirteen are some of my faves to read about now…and… if all goes the way I hope it will in the next book (Empire of Storms) for Manon and a certain someone *wink wink* then I will be one happy chappy!!

I was a little bit frustrated – annoyed – irritated with the first part of the book though. Where Celaena finally comes back to Adarlan and catches up with Chaol. totally gave me a headache. It was like they were two completely different people who hated each other (more so than when they first met). I was not a fan! That part of the book crushed so many Celaena/Chaol fans’ hearts! Mine included. 😞😞

Hmm.. come to think of it. I think the whole book was just one big heartbreak concerning those two and knowing it will never be the way it was between them. As much as I love Rowan and them being together now. I did also love Chaol with her. It’s just sad.


I do however love that Dorian had more of a role in this one. He’s one of my favourite characters and although I couldn’t believe half of the things he had to go through in this book I’m glad it turned out the way it did and now I can’t wait to see him kick some ass in Empire of Storms!

Okay, so here it is. Look forward to reading more about Manon, Dorian (of course more Aelin/ Rowan moments) and the war that’s brewing over the wyrdkeys and the power they possess. The introduction of Aedion and the return of an old “friend” aka Lysandra are 2 other reasons as to why this book is worth the read.

The storyline in Queen of Shadows is definitely getting down to the nitty-gritty end. It’s a lot more serious and more lives are in danger (which of course I am now panicking over).

I’ve come to the realisation that the more characters Sarah J Maas introduces into her books and the more you love them, the more you have to be prepared to lose them! And boy has she introduced so many amazingly lovable characters in this one. *hint, hint* (Lorcan). 🤫

It’s action packed and I guarantee you will fly through it. There’s always something happening – good or bad and you won’t be able to put the book down.


 RATING: ♥♥♥♥½


📚 Read my reviews for the series!

(In reading order)

Book One: Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Book Two: Crown Of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

Book Three: Heir Of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Novellas: The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Book Five: Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas


Happy reading, guys! Catch you in my next one! Xo


The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas




A prequel to the Throne of Glass series. Contains all five novellas.

Celaena Sardothien is Adarlan’s most feared assassin. As part of the Assassin’s Guild, her allegiance is to her master, Arobynn Hamel, yet Celaena listens to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. In these action-packed novellas – together in one edition for the first time – Celaena embarks on five daring missions. They take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, where she fights to liberate slaves and seeks to avenge the tyrannous. But she is acting against Arobynn’s orders and could suffer an unimaginable punishment for such treachery. Will Celaena ever be truly free? Explore the dark underworld of this kick-ass heroine to find out.



Before I get on with my review. I have to admit that I read this book back in May but with life getting in the way of fangirling and book blogs, my blog took a backseat the whole of June (hence my lack of recent blogs) but I’m hoping to slowly but surely catch up on my book reviews. Phew! Please bare with me! 💜

I loved this book! I loved reading about where and how Celaena started as an assassin.

Sarah J Maas advised to read this one after Heir of Fire and before Queen of Shadows, so if you read the first three books like I did, you would know Sam (her first and in my opinion true love) had died. So you would think coming into this book you wouldn’t necessarily develop a deep connection with Sam because you would’ve already fallen for Chaol or even Dorian for Celaena. You’ve had three books worth to get a feel for a character and to fall for them but let me tell you, this book…omg this book..totally changed everything. It was such an insight to Celaena’s past and you finally get to see the man Celaena is still hurting over.

I thought when I first read Throne of Glass that I wouldn’t fall in love any other character for Celaena than Chaol himself (then of course that changed with Rowan coming into the picture later on). But after getting a glimpse of Sam here and there throughout the first 3 books, I was really curious to read more about him and why he impacted Celaena’s life so much.

If I didn’t say it before, I’ll say it again. I wish Sam didn’t have to die.

I WISH SAM DID NOT HAVE TO DIE! I would have loved to see more of what could have been between Celaena and him. And see him as character develop more into a man. I was seriously reading the book knowing ok..he’s going to die.. but question is when? You think I would’ve already prepared myself, right?



It was a weird experience reading it. You could see it coming but then again you couldn’t. Does that make sense? I don’t know how else to say it. I was in panic mode the whole time I was reading it (hoping even),that he would survive! Or at least not die the way he did! 😢

Ohhhh how I loved these novellas. There’s 5 in total but I loved  The Assassin and the Pirate Lord and The Assassin and the Underworld the most.

Besides getting to know the beautiful Sam, you also get the pleasure of knowing how cruel and vindictive Arobynn really is. If you thought he was already a shitty piece of crap from the way Celaena talks about him in TOG, then you’re about to get to know him first hand! Enjoy!

All kidding aside, I really recommend that you guys don’t skip this book. It really does give you insight to why Celaena became the way she did and it really shows how far she’s come from since. And I’ll give you a little hint – Some of the things you read from this book may just come back around in the series (and you wouldn’t want to be lost when you do read on, would you?) 😉

It’s actually one of my favourite books from the series. I would’ve given it full ratings if it weren’t for some of stories being a little slow paced for my liking. I kid you not, if I wasn’t so picky about tiny things like that this would be 5/5 in my opinion. So don’t even take my rating seriously. Lol.

RATING: ♥♥♥♥½


📚 Read my reviews for the series!

(In reading order)

Book One: Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Book Two: Crown Of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

Book Three: Heir Of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Book Four: Queen Of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Book Five: Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas


Thank you stopping by! Catch you in my next one! Xo
